Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Be a voice, not an echo ...

Everyone has a voice, everyone has an opinion. And just because some people feel the need to voice their view so strongly, doesn't mean we have to go along with them.

With personal opinions being broadcast so publicly these days, it's easy to become brainwashed. Whether it's politics, health, lifestyle or relationships, everyone has something to say about it. And sometimes it's easier to sit back, listen and suck it up than to stand up and use your voice.

This week I've realised that I regularly go along with what other people say or do just for an easy life. And I've come to the realisation that I need to start using my voice a bit more.

At the end of the day, it doesn't make you a bad person for wanting to live your life your own way. And standing up for what you believe in is sometimes needed.

If everyone else can have their opinions why can't you? Don't live in someone else's shadow. And don't be silenced by someone else's opinion. If you believe in something, say or do it. Step out of the darkness, step out an fight for what you believe in. Say what you believe. Living behind someone else's shadow is no fun.

Also, make the decisions YOU want! No one has the power to tell you how to live your life! Walk through life making your own journey and path. Don't look back regretting not taking those risks. And even if it's not always the right decision, at least it was YOUR decision. Living your life the way you want to and making your own decisions is okay! Never forget that!

Much love, Laura xxxx


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