Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Life in the 'slow lane'

With so many ideas for blog posts it's taken me a while to think of what to post this week ...

This week I seem to have found myself comparing most aspects of my life to others. But why? I've found myself scrolling down my social media sites and feeling like I'm living my life in the 'slow lane'. Whether it's seeing friends getting engaged, starting families, buying property or jetting off to exotic destinations, I can't help but think I'm not moving forward in my life.

I think this is natural and the majority of people do it. Even if we don't realise we're doing it, we are. Social media now gives people a platform to portray a happy life or how well they're doing. Which is great! It's good to be proud of success. However what is important to remember is that everyone has individual journeys and "life isn't always greener on the other side", despite what the selfies and Facebook posts say.

This week I've tried to rid myself of comparison and envy and tried to focus my mind on the positives in my life. I need to stop pushing to live my life in the fast lane and enjoy each day as it comes. In this day and age we worry too much about the future and don't live in the moment.

After talking to so many people I've also come to the realisation that there's always the crave for more in life. The words "I want" are said too often (I'm guilty of this). However we rarely step back and appreciate what we do have. Personally I'm going to try to stop being envious of other people and start being thankful. I'm also going to start realising that not everything we see on social media is real. Everyone has their own story and we only see what people want us to see.

So today I am thankful for my family, friends, partner, job and all you beautiful people reading this blog.

Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to others. There is always something to be thankful for! And more importantly it's okay to be you ....

Much love, Laura xxxx


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