Friday 2 March 2018

The start of this amazing journey!!

As I start this very exciting journey I feel the need to explain to you all why this is so important for me ...

These days there's an image that we feel the need we have to live up to. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter is full of photos of how society thinks you should look like and how you should behave. But no one has ever questioned why. With celebrities paying thousands to have implants all over their body, this is now seen as the norm. But why? Why do people think that in order to look good you have to cake your face in makeup, go to the gym to enhance certain parts of your figure, wear clothes that are branded, and post selfies with various filters using the best lighting possible. Why can't we just be us?

But it's not all about the image. There's also the behavioural side of this very strange world. Guys have to be masculine and boyish, making sure they are seen as 'lads'. And girls have to look pretty, act a certain way to attract the guys and feel the need to flick their hair and giggle cutely every time a guy talks to them. There's also such a stigma and stereotype over mental health. Depression is more common than not. And the person you see on social media who's always smiling might be suffering behind closed doors.

We also get affected by words people say or comments that are written on social posts.This is called the self-fulfilling prophecy which means if you're told something enough times you start to believe it. However the people normally commenting on your looks or behaviour are normally the people that have no idea ....

A few years ago words were said to me that still echo in my head now. I was branded "unsafe", "self destructive" and "going nowhere". These comments were said by a person who attends our local church (you'd of thought a church goer would have a bit more consideration and would be the last person to say something like this). May I just mention I was in fact none of those things. I was young and was doing what teenagers did best - having fun! However despite knowing I was none of those things, to this day those words echo round my mind. But why should we let the words of others affect us in such a way? Why should we let social media affect our looks in such a way? Why should we hide behind mental health just because we're scared to be honest and to be ourselves?

This journey is going to be filled with self love, self confidence and inspiration. And I can't wait to see what the future holds. I can't wait to embark on this campaign and blog to show people it's okay to be you. It's really okay.

Much Love, Laura xx

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